Sunday, October 31, 2010

David Crowder*Band - Foreverandever Etc...

... You're Creator and I'm what You've made.

This song makes me smile BIG! :-D
Have a blessed day in Him!

Laura Hackett - When I Am Afraid

... You're Creator and I'm what You've made.

I just love this song too much not to share!
I'm singing it at the top of my lungs!
I pray you're having a wonderful day!
Let's celebrate the life we have found in Christ today! :-D

Healing hand of God - Jeremy Camp

... You're Creator and I'm what You've made.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


... You're Creator and I'm what You've made.

Writing for me was always a therapy... and even so, I've been so far from that! 
I think writing also helped me to deal better with my emotions and go through that wonderful thing of finding people who are going through the same... and be encouraged by that, and encourage them back.
I guess these lines are pretty much to say... I'm back! I've had a bunch of wonderful ideas in writing and haven't been putting them on paper... I promise I'll do that more often!
My journey with Christ has been incredible! God has been doing so much and I've been so unfaithful in posting about it... I need to make justice to all the grace He has been displaying right before my eyes.
Here you have a list of some inspiring things around me:

1. It's Fall here in Georgia and... it's breathtaking. I love being able to walk outside and watch the leaves changing colors, leaves falling... it's a party to our eyes... literally!
2. All the changes, living pretty much in suitcases... I'm learning to let go of comfort and be satisfied, happy with whatever the Lord provides to me. It's His care. He hasn't allowed me to go homeless or even without my meals. I've been learning to depend on Him for everything... and that feels awesome! A lot of discipline is taken... but He has been teaching me. I'm finally open to learn!
3. My heart. Oh, so much going on with this little heart of mine since in early August I decided to give it fully to God... I've fallen completely in love with Jesus Christ, and that's the best thing ever! I finally can speak about God's love because I'm living it... feeling it... and enjoying it!
4. I'm back to noticing cultural differences between here and Brazil... and really enjoying it! I'm embracing diversity to the fullest, and that feels WONDERFUL!
5. I'm finally accepting myself for who God has made me to be. I'm allowing myself to be molded by the Potter... I'm simply clay in His hands. Not my will, but His will be done in my life!
6. God heals... literally. I was an emotional wreck a few weeks ago... and God has brought the perfect people to be around me and lead me in the process of being in control of my emotions, and allowing the Lord to touch them and heal them. God is faithful!
7. No doubt my husband is in this country. I have already met him. God is working. I have no reasons to worry! Aaaaand... I can't wait to get married and start my family! I'm SO ready for this! :-D

I'm hopeful... I'm peaceful... for Jesus is my hope, and He Himself is my peace!
Much love and many bear hugs to you all,
                                                              Helinha =)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010