Friday, February 18, 2011

Where we are... where He wants us to be.

As we struggle with the place we're in and where God wants us to be... all that can be said is seek His face, spend time in His presence and continually beg for discernment concerning decisions to be made in your life, along with willingness to follow His lead. Shut down all the noise around you so then His voice can be made crystal clear to you. It takes surrendering and making ourselves fully available for Him to move in our lives. In the end, it goes back to the whole thing of 'killing within us what doesn't bring Him glory'. Our ultimate goal is eternity, that's home for us. Whatever we do to please ourselves, to please our own flesh won't last, and will fail somehow, at some point. It's the debate of choosing what is temporary or going for what is eternal - 'So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.' (2 Corinthians 4:18). Full satisfaction is found in Him and surrendering to His ways. It's not always the easiest thing to do, but surely the best.
We're fashioned from the very fabric of God, and in this life, until the day we see Him face to face, because we're still sinners saved by His grace, we will struggle with the duality 'want vs. need'. We have our own desires, the things we want while God looks at us through an eternal perspective, seeing the finished project – Philippians 1:6 'being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.'– and gives us what we need, challenges that will stretch our character, perseverance and faith.
This life is nothing but vapor if not lived in total surrender to Him, shining His glory and light to a broken world in desperate need of Christ and the salvation that only our Lord can bring... we live to expand His Kingdom on this Earth.
In all things, I pray we find balance and the peace that surpasses all understanding... the peace that will come from us fully seeking His face in prayer.
One quote that has been frequently in my mind as I think about decisions is 'God is more glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him.' by John Piper. Simple truth put in words. We can wrestle or surrender. We can want what we want for ourselves or what God, our Father, wants for us. It's either seeking His heart or ours.
As we delight ourselves in Him, He grants the desires of our hearts... and the ultimate desire of our hearts is Christ Himself, knowing Him and making Him known.
Our lives were never about us, but to bringing Him glory and to know our Maker.
There's true freedom in surrender!
I pray these words bless you and give you peace!

Much love in our Lord,
Helen =)

... You're Creator and I'm what You've made.